Thursday, August 11, 2005

chinese toilet

chinese toilet
Results: 265

My mother has always claimed that Chinese people stand on the toilet seat when using the bathroom. I'm not sure why this gripe of hers seemed to surface so often, but I remember her saying something about the seats of public toilets always being all scuffed up. My brothers and I always took our mother's threadbare complaint for some odd brand of bigotry, but I stand, or squat in this case, (somewhat) corrected.

There are still a few gaping holes in mom's postulate however:

1. One would need shoes with an amazing amount of traction to stand firmly on the slick surface of a western toilet seat (although this may account for the alleged scuff marks.)

2. Mom assumes that the Chinese people are so culturally isolated by their Commie-Pinko society that they would be totally baffled by the idea of sit-down toilet. This notion is only entertainable until you remember that there are Mc Donald’s and Disney World among the dozens of other western corporate entities nestled behind The Great Wall.

Upon seeing the above image, my mother astutely pointed out something I had missed. There is no toilet paper.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. I have so many comments to make that I could have an entire website dedicated (complete with links) to this entry. All truisms.

1) When some Chinese people come here from China, they DO actually stand on the seat. So, if you ever see shoe marks on a toliet that is a tell-tale sign that a Chinese person has been there before you. In China over Western toliets they have to post signs that say not to stand on them.

2) Yes there are Western toliets floating around the country, but even in KFC (widely popular) and McDs over there, they still have these toliets because some find them 'sanitary.' Obviously these people have not been in the women's restroom of a bar at closing time with a culture of lightweights. Oh the memories.

3) For the most part the entire country is a BYOTP party.

8:51 AM  

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