Thursday, August 04, 2005


Keyword: stinktown
Results: 7

‘stinktown’ is the name my wife and I have affectionately dubbed the city where we live, and thankfully will live for only scant weeks more. While this designation is (partly) in gest, there does seem to be an actual ‘Stinktown’ map location.

The above image is from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection’s Website on a page labeled “Aquatic Life Use Attainability Evaluation Water Quality Standards Review…Stinktown Run to Mouth…” I hate to contemplate the innuendo that could be drawn from “Stinktown Run to Mouth” so I’ll leave it alone.

It seems “Stinktown Run” is some kind of waterway. As much of a relief as that is it to find that “Stinktown Run” simply refers to what I imagine must be a muddy creek bed and not something far more nefarious, it must be a bit of a smudge on the Pennsylvania D.E.P.’s record to manage a body to which such a lowly handle.

I would also like to mention that my initial search of ‘stink town’ as two words was quickly poo-pooed when Google coyly entreated “Did you mean: stinktown” Silly me.

B.T.W. Did you know you can click on the pictures to see a larger version? I didn't.


Blogger sandie said...

PA likes names that are slightly off. Such as Center City, or Intercourse.

6:30 AM  

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