Wednesday, August 10, 2005

happy birthday to me

Keyword: happy birthday to me
Results: 9,030

Yesterday was my 27th birthday. In celebration there of, my lovely wife and I spent the day pounding the pavement of 3 of America's favorite theme parks, in an attempt to absorb every last drop of happiness there was to be had at the happiest place on earth, er… on the east coast anyway. Incidentally, I think we reached our happiness saturation point at a pub in a city block sized area dolled up to resemble England, after which I dragged my poor wife by the hand across many more miles of paved bliss like a Labrador puppy for another 4 hours. The coma like slumber into which I thankfully fell upon returning home at 10:30 last night was a welcome close to a great birthday….um, day.


Blogger sandie said...

My feet! Arrrgh, my legs! Happy Birthday, though I am a mess today because it was so happy.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just tired to squeeze too much fun into a long hot day. I was a little worried that you weren't going to return from England!! Back to Stinktown to continue packing. Happy Birthday.

2:41 PM  

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